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- /* $Id: glaux.h,v 1.3 1997/02/03 20:08:13 brianp Exp $ */
- /*
- * Mesa - a 3-D graphics library
- * Version: 2.1
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Brian Paul
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /*
- * This code originated from SGI and was modified for use with Mesa.
- */
- #ifndef AUX_INCLUDED
- #define AUX_INCLUDED
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #if !defined(AMIGA) && !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(NeXT) && !defined(__QUICKDRAW__) && !defined(DOSVGA) && !defined(__BEOS__)
- # include <X11/Xlib.h>
- # include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef __BEOS__
- #include "GL/gl.h"
- #include "GL/glu.h"
- #else
- #include <GL/gl.h>
- #include <GL/glu.h>
- #endif
- /*
- ** ToolKit Window Types
- ** In the future, AUX_RGBA may be a combination of both RGB and ALPHA
- */
- #define AUX_RGB 0
- #define AUX_RGBA AUX_RGB
- #define AUX_INDEX 1
- #define AUX_SINGLE 0
- #define AUX_DOUBLE 2
- #define AUX_DIRECT 0
- #define AUX_INDIRECT 4
- #define AUX_ACCUM 8
- #define AUX_ALPHA 16
- #define AUX_DEPTH 32
- #define AUX_STENCIL 64
- #define AUX_AUX 128
- /*
- ** Window Masks
- */
- #define AUX_WIND_IS_RGB(x) (((x) & AUX_INDEX) == 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_IS_INDEX(x) (((x) & AUX_INDEX) != 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_IS_SINGLE(x) (((x) & AUX_DOUBLE) == 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_IS_DOUBLE(x) (((x) & AUX_DOUBLE) != 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_IS_INDIRECT(x) (((x) & AUX_INDIRECT) != 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_IS_DIRECT(x) (((x) & AUX_INDIRECT) == 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_HAS_ACCUM(x) (((x) & AUX_ACCUM) != 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_HAS_ALPHA(x) (((x) & AUX_ALPHA) != 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_HAS_DEPTH(x) (((x) & AUX_DEPTH) != 0)
- #define AUX_WIND_HAS_STENCIL(x) (((x) & AUX_STENCIL) != 0)
- /*
- ** Display Mode Selection Criteria
- */
- enum {
- AUX_USE_ID = 1,
- };
- #define AUX_OFF 0
- #define AUX_ON 1
- /*
- ** ToolKit Event Structure
- */
- typedef struct _AUX_EVENTREC {
- GLint event;
- GLint data[4];
- /*
- ** ToolKit Event Types
- */
- #define AUX_EXPOSE 1
- #define AUX_CONFIG 2
- #define AUX_DRAW 4
- #define AUX_KEYEVENT 8
- #define AUX_MOUSEDOWN 16
- #define AUX_MOUSEUP 32
- #define AUX_MOUSELOC 64
- /*
- ** Toolkit Event Data Indices
- */
- #define AUX_WINDOWX 0
- #define AUX_WINDOWY 1
- #define AUX_MOUSEX 0
- #define AUX_MOUSEY 1
- #define AUX_KEY 0
- #define AUX_KEYSTATUS 1
- /*
- ** ToolKit Event Status Messages
- */
- #define AUX_LEFTBUTTON 1
- #define AUX_SHIFT 1
- #define AUX_CONTROL 2
- /*
- ** ToolKit Key Codes
- */
- #define AUX_RETURN 0x0D
- #define AUX_ESCAPE 0x1B
- #define AUX_SPACE 0x20
- #define AUX_LEFT 0x25
- #define AUX_UP 0x26
- #define AUX_RIGHT 0x27
- #define AUX_DOWN 0x28
- #define AUX_A 'A'
- #define AUX_B 'B'
- #define AUX_C 'C'
- #define AUX_D 'D'
- #define AUX_E 'E'
- #define AUX_F 'F'
- #define AUX_G 'G'
- #define AUX_H 'H'
- #define AUX_I 'I'
- #define AUX_J 'J'
- #define AUX_K 'K'
- #define AUX_L 'L'
- #define AUX_M 'M'
- #define AUX_N 'N'
- #define AUX_O 'O'
- #define AUX_P 'P'
- #define AUX_Q 'Q'
- #define AUX_R 'R'
- #define AUX_S 'S'
- #define AUX_T 'T'
- #define AUX_U 'U'
- #define AUX_V 'V'
- #define AUX_W 'W'
- #define AUX_X 'X'
- #define AUX_Y 'Y'
- #define AUX_Z 'Z'
- #define AUX_a 'a'
- #define AUX_b 'b'
- #define AUX_c 'c'
- #define AUX_d 'd'
- #define AUX_e 'e'
- #define AUX_f 'f'
- #define AUX_g 'g'
- #define AUX_h 'h'
- #define AUX_i 'i'
- #define AUX_j 'j'
- #define AUX_k 'k'
- #define AUX_l 'l'
- #define AUX_m 'm'
- #define AUX_n 'n'
- #define AUX_o 'o'
- #define AUX_p 'p'
- #define AUX_q 'q'
- #define AUX_r 'r'
- #define AUX_s 's'
- #define AUX_t 't'
- #define AUX_u 'u'
- #define AUX_v 'v'
- #define AUX_w 'w'
- #define AUX_x 'x'
- #define AUX_y 'y'
- #define AUX_z 'z'
- #define AUX_0 '0'
- #define AUX_1 '1'
- #define AUX_2 '2'
- #define AUX_3 '3'
- #define AUX_4 '4'
- #define AUX_5 '5'
- #define AUX_6 '6'
- #define AUX_7 '7'
- #define AUX_8 '8'
- #define AUX_9 '9'
- /*
- ** ToolKit Gets and Sets
- */
- #define AUX_FD 1 /* return fd (long) */
- #define AUX_COLORMAP 3 /* pass buf of r, g and b (unsigned char) */
- #define AUX_FOGMAP 5 /* pass fog and color bits (long) */
- #define AUX_ONECOLOR 6 /* pass index, r, g, and b (long) */
- /*
- ** Color Macros
- */
- enum {
- AUX_BLACK = 0,
- #ifdef __WIN32__
- AUX_RED=10,
- #else
- #endif
- };
- #if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(DOSVGA)
- extern float auxRGBMap[17][3];
- #else
- extern float auxRGBMap[8][3];
- #endif
- #define AUX_SETCOLOR(x, y) (AUX_WIND_IS_RGB((x)) ? \
- glColor3fv(auxRGBMap[(y)]) : glIndexf((y)))
- /*
- ** RGB Image Structure
- */
- typedef struct _AUX_RGBImageRec {
- GLint sizeX, sizeY;
- unsigned char *data;
- } AUX_RGBImageRec;
- /*
- ** Prototypes
- */
- #ifdef __BEOS__
- #pragma export on
- #endif
- extern void auxInitDisplayMode(GLbitfield);
- extern void auxInitPosition(int, int, int, int);
- extern GLenum auxInitWindow(char *);
- extern void auxCloseWindow(void);
- extern void auxQuit(void);
- extern void auxSwapBuffers(void);
- #if !defined(AMIGA) && !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(NeXT) && !defined(__QUICKDRAW__) && !defined(DOSVGA) && !defined(__BEOS__)
- extern Display *auxXDisplay(void);
- extern Window auxXWindow(void);
- #endif
- extern void auxMainLoop(void (*)());
- extern void auxExposeFunc(void (*)(int, int));
- extern void auxReshapeFunc(void (*)(int, int));
- extern void auxIdleFunc(void (*)());
- extern void auxKeyFunc(int, void (*)());
- extern void auxMouseFunc(int, int, void (*)(AUX_EVENTREC *));
- extern void auxDeleteMouseFunc( int, int , void (*)(AUX_EVENTREC *));
- extern int auxGetColorMapSize(void);
- extern void auxGetMouseLoc(int *, int *);
- extern void auxSetOneColor(int, float, float, float);
- extern void auxSetFogRamp(int, int);
- extern void auxSetGreyRamp(void);
- extern void auxSetRGBMap(int, float *);
- extern AUX_RGBImageRec *auxRGBImageLoad(char *);
- extern void auxCreateFont(void);
- extern void auxDrawStr(char *);
- extern void auxWireSphere(GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidSphere(GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireCube(GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidCube(GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireBox(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidBox(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireTorus(GLdouble, GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidTorus(GLdouble, GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireCylinder(GLdouble, GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidCylinder(GLdouble, GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireIcosahedron(GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidIcosahedron(GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireOctahedron(GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidOctahedron(GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireTetrahedron(GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidTetrahedron(GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireDodecahedron(GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidDodecahedron(GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireCone(GLdouble, GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidCone(GLdouble, GLdouble);
- extern void auxWireTeapot(GLdouble);
- extern void auxSolidTeapot(GLdouble);
- /* added for viewperf benchmark */
- extern void auxInitDisplayModePolicy( GLenum type );
- extern GLenum auxGetDisplayModePolicy( void );
- extern GLenum auxInitDisplayModeID( GLint id );
- extern GLint auxGetDisplayModeID( void );
- extern GLenum auxGetDisplayMode( void );
- extern void auxGetScreenSize( GLint *width, GLint *height );
- extern void auxAnimation( GLint flag );
- #ifdef __BEOS__
- #pragma export off
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* AUX_INCLUDED */